In The Beginning

For my very first blog for the website, I figured I would qualify myself with why I am so passionate about helping people from all walks of like overcome their challenges and find the courage to change the things they can. I am a miracle story and just one of the thousands that have found a better way of living. My blogs will be about the 5 “F’s” of life that make it worth living. These 5 “F’s” of course are; Faith, Family, Friendships, Fitness, and Finances. By setting goals for all 5 of these lifeway paths you will have the opportunity to live a life beyond your wildes expectations. – Nothing But The Best – Johnny

In 1989, I came to a crossroads in my life.  Everything I thought was true and pleasing in my life had become false and horrifying.  My self-centered nature had become my greatest liability that took me deeper and deeper in the self-pitying pit of Hell.  I found myself alone, afraid, alienated, and avoided by most everyone.  If you have ever been in a crowded room filled with people but felt like the loneliest person in the world, that was me.  I quickly realized with the help of some outside influence (the law, and others) that the direction I was going was getting me nowhere – fast.

By the time I was 28 yrs old, I was homeless living in a Datsun B210 (some of you are laughing, I know) on the beaches in Oxnard.  I had no job, no future, and had no clue what direction to even start.   I was destitute to a way of thinking that only got me remorse and feeling useless.  The courts took all custody of my daughter from me; I was divorced, drunk, discouraged and considered a menace to most everyone.

It would seem like a horror story or maybe even a reality show, but I tell you the truth, I knew of no other way.  I had programmed my mind over a period of time through liquid diets of booze, overindulgence of drugs, and a way of living I thought was normal that eventually got me to the bottom of the pit that I called Hell.  I thought there was NO WAY OUT.

Then in January of 1989, some dude came up to me and said something I never heard before.   He said, “Hey man, you don’t have to live that way anymore – if you don’t want to”.  That was a revelation to me.  No one had ever said that to me before.  I was so used to having people accuse me, point at me, look at me with disgust, and claim my fate by their remarks, that those simple words of encouragement started me down an unbelievable path of triumph.

In a short amount of time my life started to change and all though not perfect (something we will never be) I am a lot better than I was before.  All of my liabilities have now become my assets. The same people who accused me in the past, now listen to my counsel.  The child who was alienated from my life is now my oldest daughter and friend.  I have two other beautiful daughters who respect me and call me dad.  I have been married to my best friend for 20 years and the best part of all, I have real friends who trust me, love me, and enjoy my company.  You could say “it’s a miracle”.

The countless stories of my amazing comeback are unbelievable to some and nothing special to others who may have walked a tougher or more relentless life – but that’s not the point.  There is no score to keep when making the journey back to the life God has planned for you.  The only heroic thing about a comeback is to be able to share it with others and hope that it will help others not have to take such a meaningless and potential hazardous journey of destruction.

As I was making my way back to sanity, someone shared a scripture with me.  This scripture was the first of anything I ever heard out of the bible that made any sense.  It reads in Romans 12:2 “Don’t conform any longer to the ways of the world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God”.  AHA!  That made sense.  My mind was developed by a crazy little kid (me)who found his philosophy in all the wrong places.  Transforming my life was as simple as recognizing I had to start at ground zero and begin to prepare, cultivate and rebuild my mind.

Let us not confuse the words of religion with the words of God.  Even at the beginning of time, there were those who knew the law and tried to rule above others with their high and mighty ways, but those are not the ways of God.  God is all about the one-on-one relationship you establish with him.  My whole life and outlook changed when a friend said: “Quit listening to what the world is telling you about what the bible says and listen quietly what the lord is doing in your heart.” My heart was literally transformed the moment I quit trusting in myself and trusting on Him to help me walk down the rocky pathways of life.

My hope for you is that you will find the “courage to change the things you can” and start living the life you have always dreamed of. A life of significance, character and a personal integrity that is unshakable. I offer a group coaching monthly membership program, a one on one coaching program, keynote speaking and workshops to energize your life and your dreams. Here is to living beyond your wildest expectations – Johnny